(1) Bruno Peuportier, Fabien Leurent et Jean Roger-estrade, Eco-design of buildings and infrastructure, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 381p, 2016
(2) Bruno Peuportier, Eco-design for buildings and neighbourhoods, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 286p, 2016
(3) Bruno Peuportier (coordination), Energétique des bâtiments et simulation thermique, Eyrolles, 446p, décembre 2015
(4) Bruno Peuportier (coordination), Livre blanc sur les recherches en énergétique des bâtiments, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines, 238p, août 2013
(5) Bruno Peuportier, Eco-conception des bâtiments et des quartiers, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines, 336p, novembre 2008
(1) Roux, C. , Schalbart, P., Peuportier, B., Development of an electricity system model allowing dynamic and marginal approaches in LCA—tested in the French context of space heating in buildings, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2016)
(2) Roux C., Schalbart P., Assoumou E. and Peuportier B., Integrating climate change and energy mix scenarios in LCA of buildings and districts, Applied Energy 184 (2016) 619-629
(3) Roux C., Schalbart P. and Peuportier B., Accounting for temporal variation of electricity production and consumption in the LCA of an energy-efficient house, Journal of Cleaner Production 113 (2016) 532-540
(4) Favre B., Peuportier B., Application of dynamic programming to study load shifting in buildings, Energy and Buildings 82 (2014) 57–64
(5) Guiavarch, A., Bruneau, D. and Peuportier, B. (2014) Evaluation of Thermal Effect of PCM Wallboards by Coupling Simplified Phase Change Model with Design Tool. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 2, 12-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jbcpr.2014.21002
(6) Juan Oyarzo and Bruno Peuportier, Life cycle assessment model applied to housing in Chile, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 69, April 2014, Pages 109–116
(7) Bruno Peuportier, Stéphane Thiers and Alain Guiavarch, Eco-design of buildings using thermal simulation and life cycle assessment, Journal of cleaner production, Volume 39, Pages 73-78, January 2013
(8) Thiers S. and Peuportier B., Energy and environmental assessment of two high energy performance residential buildings, Building and Environment, Volume 51, May 2012, Pages 276–284
(9) Bruno Peuportier, Life Cycle Assessment applications in the building sector, International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management Vol. 9, No.4 pp. 334 – 347, automne 2008
(10) Stéphane Thiers and Bruno Peuportier, Thermal and environmental assessment of a passive building equipped with an earth-to-air heat exchanger, Solar Energy vol 82 n°9, pp 820-831, septembre 2008
(11) Alain Guiavarch and Bruno Peuportier, Photovoltaic collectors efficiency according to their integration in buildings, Solar Energy, vol 80 n°1 pp 65-77, janvier 2006
(12) Bruno Peuportier, Life cycle assessment applied to the comparative evaluation of single family houses in the French context, Energy and Buildings, vol. 33 n°5, mai 2001
(13) Bernd Polster, Bruno Peuportier, Isabelle Blanc Sommereux, Pierre Diaz Pedregal, Christophe Gobin and Eric Durand, Evaluation of the environmental quality of buildings - a step towards a more environmentally conscious design, Solar Energy vol. 57 n°3, pp 219-230, mars 1996
(14) Bruno Peuportier and Jacques Michel, Comparative analysis of active and passive solar heating systems with transparent insulation, Solar Energy vol. 54 n°1, janvier 1995
(15) Peuportier B. and Blanc Sommereux I., Simulation tool with its expert interface for the thermal design of multizone buildings, International Journal of Solar Energy, vol. 8 pp 109-120, august 1990
(1) Recht T., Schalbart P., and Peuportier B., Ecodesign of a "plus energy" house using stochastic occupancy model, life cycle assessment and multi-objective optimisation, Building Simulation & Optimization 2016, Newcastle, September 2016
(2) Pannier M.-L., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Building life cycle assessment: investigation of influential parameters in a helpful decision tool, Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) regional conference, Hamburg, March 2016
(3) Vorger E., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Integration of a Comprehensive Stochastic Model of Occupancy in Building Simulation to Study how Inhabitants Influence Energy Performance, 30th International PLEA Conference, Ahmedabad, December 2014
(4) Robillart M., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Extraction of heating control rules from the dynamic programming method for load shifting in energy-efficient building, 9th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, Liege, December 2014
(5) N. Dupin, B. Peuportier, K. Duer, M. Cohen , B. Favre, Berenger, O. Mejri, E. Vorger, Evaluation of ventilative cooling in a single family house - Characterization and modelling of natural ventilation, Sustainable building conference, Barcelona, October 2014
(6) Ben Nejma H., Guiavarch A., Lokhat I., Auzenet E., Claudon F. and Peuportier B., In-situ performance evaluation by simulation of a coupled air source heat pump/PV-T collector system, Building simulation 2013 Conference, Chambéry, August 2013
(7) Ligier S., Robillart M., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Étude d’un processus de garantie de performance énergétique : application à des logements collectifs, Conférence IBPSA France, Marne-la-Vallée , mai 2016
(8) Recht T., Robillart M., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Éco-conception de maisons à énergie positive assistée par optimisation multicritère, Conférence IBPSA France, Marne-la-Vallée , mai 2016
(9) Robillart M., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Elaboration de lois heuristiques à partir de la programmation dynamique: application à l’effacement de la consommation électrique de pointe dans les bâtiments performants, Conférence IBPSA France, Arras, mai 2014
(10) Vorger, Eric, Patrick Schalbart, et Bruno Peuportier. 2014. « Etude de l’influence des occupants sur la performance énergétique des logements par le biais d’une modélisation stochastique globale », Conférence IBPSA France, Arras, mai 2014
(11) Recht T., Munaretto F., Schalbart P. et Peuportier B., Analyse de la fiabilité de COMFIE par comparaison à des mesures ; Application à un bâtiment passif, Conférence IBPSA France, Arras, mai 2014
(12) HERFRAY, Grégory, VORGER, Eric, PEUPORTIER, Bruno. Life cycle assessment applied to urban settlements and urban morphology studies. In: Proceedings of CISBAT 2011, CleanTech for Sustainable Buildings - From Nano to Urban Scale, 14-16 September 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland, [CD Rom] (conférence internationale).
(13) GUIAVARCH, Alain, PEUPORTIER, Bruno, LÉNARD, Jean-Dominique, MUDRI, Ljubica, MIKOLASEK, Renaud, JOANNE, Pascal, LOPEZ, Jérôme, LOKHAT, Ismaël et GONTIER, Pascal. Développement d’un progiciel d’aide à la conception intégrée des bâtiments. Dans : Actes de la Conférence IBPSA France 2010, 9-11 Novembre 2010, Moret Sur Loing, France, paperr 95, [Clé USB], Disponible sur internet < http://ibpsa.fr > (conférence nationale).