

Carlos Adrian Correa Florez, MINES ParisTech PhD, PERSEE center




CoRDÉES : gouvernance énergétique de quartier


Prédiction solaire pour des suiveurs photovoltaïques


The REstable project


Principales publications

  • (1) Bruno Peuportier, Fabien Leurent et Jean Roger-estrade, Eco-design of buildings and infrastructure, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 381p, 2016
  • (2) Bruno Peuportier, Eco-design for buildings and neighbourhoods, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 286p, 2016
  • (3) Bruno Peuportier (coordination), Energétique des bâtiments et simulation thermique, Eyrolles, 446p, décembre 2015
  • (4) Bruno Peuportier (coordination), Livre blanc sur les recherches en énergétique des bâtiments, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines, 238p, août 2013
  • (5) Bruno Peuportier, Eco-conception des bâtiments et des quartiers, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines, 336p, novembre 2008
  • (1) Roux, C. , Schalbart, P., Peuportier, B., Development of an electricity system model allowing dynamic and marginal approaches in LCA—tested in the French context of space heating in buildings, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2016)
  • (2) Roux C., Schalbart P., Assoumou E. and Peuportier B., Integrating climate change and energy mix scenarios in LCA of buildings and districts, Applied Energy 184 (2016) 619-629
  • (3) Roux C., Schalbart P. and Peuportier B., Accounting for temporal variation of electricity production and consumption in the LCA of an energy-efficient house, Journal of Cleaner Production 113 (2016) 532-540
  • (4) Favre B., Peuportier B., Application of dynamic programming to study load shifting in buildings, Energy and Buildings 82 (2014) 57–64
  • (5) Guiavarch, A., Bruneau, D. and Peuportier, B. (2014) Evaluation of Thermal Effect of PCM Wallboards by Coupling Simplified Phase Change Model with Design Tool. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 2, 12-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jbcpr.2014.21002
  • (6) Juan Oyarzo and Bruno Peuportier, Life cycle assessment model applied to housing in Chile, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 69, April 2014, Pages 109–116
  • (7) Bruno Peuportier, Stéphane Thiers and Alain Guiavarch, Eco-design of buildings using thermal simulation and life cycle assessment, Journal of cleaner production, Volume 39, Pages 73-78, January 2013
  • (8) Thiers S. and Peuportier B., Energy and environmental assessment of two high energy performance residential buildings, Building and Environment, Volume 51, May 2012, Pages 276–284
  • (9) Bruno Peuportier, Life Cycle Assessment applications in the building sector, International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management Vol. 9, No.4 pp. 334 – 347, automne 2008
  • (10) Stéphane Thiers and Bruno Peuportier, Thermal and environmental assessment of a passive building equipped with an earth-to-air heat exchanger, Solar Energy vol 82 n°9, pp 820-831, septembre 2008
  • (11) Alain Guiavarch and Bruno Peuportier, Photovoltaic collectors efficiency according to their integration in buildings, Solar Energy, vol 80 n°1 pp 65-77, janvier 2006
  • (12) Bruno Peuportier, Life cycle assessment applied to the comparative evaluation of single family houses in the French context, Energy and Buildings, vol. 33 n°5, mai 2001
  • (13) Bernd Polster, Bruno Peuportier, Isabelle Blanc Sommereux, Pierre Diaz Pedregal, Christophe Gobin and Eric Durand, Evaluation of the environmental quality of buildings - a step towards a more environmentally conscious design, Solar Energy vol. 57 n°3, pp 219-230, mars 1996
  • (14) Bruno Peuportier and Jacques Michel, Comparative analysis of active and passive solar heating systems with transparent insulation, Solar Energy vol. 54 n°1, janvier 1995
  • (15) Peuportier B. and Blanc Sommereux I., Simulation tool with its expert interface for the thermal design of multizone buildings, International Journal of Solar Energy, vol. 8 pp 109-120, august 1990
  • (1) Recht T., Schalbart P., and Peuportier B., Ecodesign of a "plus energy" house using stochastic occupancy model, life cycle assessment and multi-objective optimisation, Building Simulation & Optimization 2016, Newcastle, September 2016
  • (2) Pannier M.-L., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Building life cycle assessment: investigation of influential parameters in a helpful decision tool, Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) regional conference, Hamburg, March 2016
  • (3) Vorger E., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Integration of a Comprehensive Stochastic Model of Occupancy in Building Simulation to Study how Inhabitants Influence Energy Performance, 30th International PLEA Conference, Ahmedabad, December 2014
  • (4) Robillart M., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Extraction of heating control rules from the dynamic programming method for load shifting in energy-efficient building, 9th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, Liege, December 2014
  • (5) N. Dupin, B. Peuportier, K. Duer, M. Cohen , B. Favre, Berenger, O. Mejri, E. Vorger, Evaluation of ventilative cooling in a single family house - Characterization and modelling of natural ventilation, Sustainable building conference, Barcelona, October 2014
  • (6) Ben Nejma H., Guiavarch A., Lokhat I., Auzenet E., Claudon F. and Peuportier B., In-situ performance evaluation by simulation of a coupled air source heat pump/PV-T collector system, Building simulation 2013 Conference, Chambéry, August 2013
  • (7) Ligier S., Robillart M., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Étude d’un processus de garantie de performance énergétique : application à des logements collectifs, Conférence IBPSA France, Marne-la-Vallée , mai 2016
  • (8) Recht T., Robillart M., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Éco-conception de maisons à énergie positive assistée par optimisation multicritère, Conférence IBPSA France, Marne-la-Vallée , mai 2016
  • (9) Robillart M., Schalbart P., Peuportier B., Elaboration de lois heuristiques à partir de la programmation dynamique: application à l’effacement de la consommation électrique de pointe dans les bâtiments performants, Conférence IBPSA France, Arras, mai 2014
  • (10) Vorger, Eric, Patrick Schalbart, et Bruno Peuportier. 2014. « Etude de l’influence des occupants sur la performance énergétique des logements par le biais d’une modélisation stochastique globale », Conférence IBPSA France, Arras, mai 2014
  • (11) Recht T., Munaretto F., Schalbart P. et Peuportier B., Analyse de la fiabilité de COMFIE par comparaison à des mesures ; Application à un bâtiment passif, Conférence IBPSA France, Arras, mai 2014
  • (12) HERFRAY, Grégory, VORGER, Eric, PEUPORTIER, Bruno. Life cycle assessment applied to urban settlements and urban morphology studies. In: Proceedings of CISBAT 2011, CleanTech for Sustainable Buildings - From Nano to Urban Scale, 14-16 September 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland, [CD Rom] (conférence internationale).
  • (13) GUIAVARCH, Alain, PEUPORTIER, Bruno, LÉNARD, Jean-Dominique, MUDRI, Ljubica, MIKOLASEK, Renaud, JOANNE, Pascal, LOPEZ, Jérôme, LOKHAT, Ismaël et GONTIER, Pascal. Développement d’un progiciel d’aide à la conception intégrée des bâtiments. Dans : Actes de la Conférence IBPSA France 2010, 9-11 Novembre 2010, Moret Sur Loing, France, paperr 95, [Clé USB], Disponible sur internet < http://ibpsa.fr > (conférence nationale).
  • (14) FILLIARD, Bruno, GUIAVARCH, Alain and PEUPORTIER, Bruno. Performance evaluation of an air-to-air heat pump coupled with temperate air-sources integrated into a dwelling. In: Proceedings of Building simulation 2009, 11th International Building Performance Simulation Association conference, 27-30 July 2009, Glasgow, United - Kingdom, p. 2266-2273, ISBN 978-0-947649-40-1, © 2009 International Building Performance Simulation Association (conférence internationale).
  • (15) TROCME, Maxime and PEUPORTIER, Bruno. Studying innovative concepts by coupling simplified simulation and multizone airflow model. In: Proceedings of CISBAT 2009, Renewables in a changing climate-from nano to urban scale, 2-3 September 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 149-154, [CD Rom] © 2009 EPFL (conférence internationale).

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