J. Adnot, D. Marchio, P. Riviere, F. Aggeri, A. Benoist, J. Daude, B. Duplessis, M. Glachant,A. Rabl et H. Teulon, “Cycles de vie des systèmes énergétiques”, Les Presses de MINES ParisTech, ISBN 978-2-911256-95-0, 224 p., novembre 2012
P. Stabat, M. Caciolo and D. Marchio, “Progress on single-sided ventilation techniques for buildings”, in Advances in Building Energy Research, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 6, issue 2, pp. 212-241, ISBN 978-1-8440-7752-6, October 2012, DOI 10.1080/17512549.2012.740903
B. Duplessis and F. Rosenstein. “France – Country report”, in World ESCO Outlook, The Fairmont Press, pp 198 -206, ISBN 978-1-4665-5817-4, 2012
B. Duplessis et C. Raux, “Economie et Développement Urbain Durable 2- Emissions urbaines: inventaires et politiques publiques & transport et usage du sol”, Les Presses des Mines ParisTech, collection « Développement Durable », ISBN 978-2-911256-44-8, 156 p., 2011
A. De Almeida, C. Patrao, P. Fonseca, R. Araujo, U. Nunes, C. Rochas, J. Bulgakova, P. Rivière, D. Da Silva, A. Rahbar, T. Fjordbak, B. Schlomann, I. Lazar, C. Burlacu, M. Valentova, W. De Groote, B. Harrison, N. King, C. Elbe, M. Lindinger, G. Markogiannakis, A. Giakoumi and A. Roscetti, “SELINA, Standby and Off-Mode Energy Losses In New Appliances Measured in Shops”, ISBN: 978-972-8822-21-7, pp. 103, 2011. Available on line: < http://www.selina-project.eu/files/SELINA_book.pdf >
M. Armstrong, A. Iguer, V. Iezhova, J. Adnot, P. Riviere and A. Galli, “Impact of Smart EVs on Day-Ahead Prices in the French Market”, in Smart Grid: Integrating Renewable, Distributed & Efficient Energy, 14, ISBN 978-0123864529, Chapter 19, pp. 479-499, December 2011
J. Carassus et B. Duplessis, “Economie et développement urbain durable”, Les Presses de MINES ParisTech, collection « Développement Durable », ISBN 978-2-911256-13-4, 166 p., janvier 2010
D. Marchio et P. Reboux, “Introduction aux transferts thermiques”, Les Presses de MINES ParisTech, collection « Les Cours de MINES ParisTech », ISBN 978-2-91-176293-2, 210 p., mars 2008
L Rivalin. Garantie des performances énergétiques dans les immeubles neufs (2016).
A.Tejeda. Paramétrage auto-adaptatif d’une pompe à chaleur (2016).
S Cui. Modélisation multi-physique d'ouvertures vitrées. (2015)
H Blevarque. Règles de modélisation pour les systèmes de production et de distribution des bâtiments BBC. (2014).
T Berthou. Développement de modèles pour la prévision des charges d'installation de climatisation et l’élaboration de stratégies de conduite. (2013).
T Salque. Amélioration des performances de PAC géothermiques par couplage de mesures in-situ et de méthodes numériques inverses. (2013).
Vuillecard, C., Méthode de construction d’une offre d’effacement électrique basée sur les technologies gaz naturel. Application à la micro-cogénération et pompe à chaleur hybride (14/03/2013)
Grandjean A., Introduction de non linéarités et de non stationnarités dans les modèles de représentation de la demande électrique résidentielle (10/01/2013)
Tran C.-T., Méthodes de mesure in situ des performances annuelles des pompes à chaleur air/air résidentielles (30/11/2012)
Andlauer B. Optimisation systémique de micro-cogénérateurs intégrés aux bâtiments (07/12 2011)
Da Silva D., Analyse de la flexibilité des usages électriques résidentiels : application aux usages thermiques (01/12/2011)
Van Dang, T. T., Méthodes pour l'analyse de cycle de vie des batteries lithium-ion des véhicules électriques (22/11/2011) (Confidentiel)
Caciolo M., Analyse expérimentale et simulation de la ventilation naturelle mono-façade pour le rafraîchissement des immeubles de bureaux (17/12/2010)
Caillet J., Méthodologies d'identification d'économies d'énergie : application aux systèmes de climatisation à eau glacée (07/12/2010)
Philippe M., Développement et validation expérimentale de modèles d'échangeurs géothermiques horizontaux et verticaux pour le chauffage de bâtiments résidentiels (19/10/2010)
Grignon-Massé L., Développement d'une méthodologie d'analyse coût-bénéfice en vue d'évaluer le potentiel de réduction des impacts environnementaux liés au confort d'été : cas des climatiseurs individuels fixes en France métropolitaine (20/05/2010)
Kinab E., Optimisation des performances non nominales des pompes à chaleur réversibles pour le secteur tertiaire (09/12/2009)
Duplessis B., Mise en œuvre des contrats de performance énergétique pour l'amélioration des installations de production frigorifique (02/12/2008)
Bory D., Analyse et simulation de défauts des équipements de climatisation en vue d'un audit énergétique (08/09/2008)
Articles dans revues scientifiques internationales
Cui S., Cohen M., Stabat P., Marchio D. ; “CO2 tracer gas concentration decay method for measuring air change rate” – Building and Environment, Vol 84, pp. 162-169, January 2015, DOI 10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.11.007
Berthou T., Stabat P., Salvazet R., Marchio D. ; « Development and validation of a gray box model of predict thermal behavior of occupied office buildings » - Energy and Buildings, Vol 74, pp. 91-100, May 2014, DOI 10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.01.038
D. Pineau, P. Rivière, P. Stabat, H. Phuong, V. Archambault, Performance analysis of heating systems for low energy houses, Energy and Buildings, Available online 1 June 2013, ISSN 0378-7788, 10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.05.036.
C.T. Tran, P. Rivière, D. Marchio, C. Arzano-Daurelle, In situ measurement methods of air to air heat pump performance, International Journal of Refrigeration, Available online 18 April 2013, ISSN 0140-7007, 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2013.03.021.
R. Hitchin, C. Pout, P. Riviere, Assessing the market for air conditioning systems in European buildings, Energy and Buildings, Volume 58, March 2013.
Caciolo, M., Cui, S., Stabat, P., Marchio, D., Development of a new correlation for single-sided natural ventilation adapted to leeward conditions (2013) Energy and Buildings, 60, pp. 372-382.
C.T. Tran, P. Rivière, D. Marchio, C. Arzano-Daurelle, Refrigerant-based measurement method of heat pump seasonal performances, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 35, Issue 6, September 2012, Pages 1583-1594.
Liu, B., Rivière, P., Coquelet, C., Gicquel, R., David, F., Investigation of a two stage Rankine cycle for electric power plants, (2012) Applied Energy, 100, pp. 285-294.
Duplessis, B., Adnot, J., Dupont, M., Racapé, F., An empirical typology of energy services based on a well-developed market: France (2012) Energy Policy, 45, pp. 268-276.
Grandjean, A., Adnot, J., Binet, G., A review and an analysis of the residential electric load curve models (2012) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16 (9), pp. 6539-6565.
El Fouih, Y., Stabat, P., Rivière, P., Hoang, P., Archambault, V., Adequacy of air-to-air heat recovery ventilation system applied in low energy buildings, (2012) Energy and Buildings, 54, pp. 29-39.
Caciolo, M., Stabat, P., Marchio, D., Numerical simulation of single-sided ventilation using RANS and LES and comparison with full-scale experiments (2012) Building and Environment, 50, pp. 202-213.
Filfli, S., Marchio, D., Parametric models of energy consumption based on experimental designs and applied to building-system dynamic simulation (2011) Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 5 (5), pp. 277-299.
Philippe, M., Bernier, M., Marchio, D., Lopez, S., A semi-analytical model for serpentine horizontal ground heat exchangers (2011) HVAC and R Research, 17 (6), pp. 1044-1058.
Vuillecard, C., Hubert, C.E., Contreau, R., Mazzenga, A., Stabat, P., Adnot, J., Small scale impact of gas technologies on electric load management - μCHP & hybrid heat pump (2011) Energy, 36 (5), pp. 2912-2923.
Caciolo, M., Stabat, P., Marchio, D., Full scale experimental study of single-sided ventilation: Analysis of stack and wind effects (2011) Energy and Buildings, 43 (7), pp. 1765-1773.
Grignon-Massé, L., Rivière, P., Adnot, J., Strategies for reducing the environmental impacts of room air conditioners in Europe, (2011) Energy Policy, 39 (4), pp. 2152-2164.
Broc, Jean-Sébastien, Osso, Dominique, Baudry, Paul, Adnot, Jérôme, Bodineau, Luc, Bourges, Bernard, 2011. Consistency of the French white certificates evaluation system with the framework proposed for the European energy services. Energy Efficiency, 4(3), 371-392.
M. Philipe, M. Bernier, D. Marchio. Parametric models of energy consumption based on experimental designs and applied to building system dynamic simulation. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, July 2010, pages 20-28
Ginestet, S., Marchio, D., Retro and on-going commissioning tool applied to an existing building: Operability and results of IPMVP (2010) Energy, 35 (4), pp. 1717-1723.
Ginestet, S., Marchio, D., Control tuning of a simplified VAV system: Methodology and impact on energy consumption and IAQ (2010) Energy and Buildings, 42 (8), pp. 1205-1214.
M. Philippe, M. Bernier and D. Marchio, “Sizing Calculation Spreadsheet: Vertical Geothermal Borefields”, in ASHRAE Journal, Vol. 52, No 7, pp. 20-28, July 2010
Kinab, E., Marchio, D., Rivière, P., Zoughaib, A., Reversible heat pump model for seasonal performance optimization (2010) Energy and Buildings, 42 (12), pp. 2269-2280.
Stabat, P., Marchio, D. Opportunities for reversible chillers in office buildings in Europe. Building Simulation, 2009, vol. 2, p. 95-108.
Philippe, M., Bernier, M., Marchio, D., Validity ranges of three analytical solutions to heat transfer in the vicinity of single boreholes (2009) Geothermics, 38 (4), pp. 407-413.
Ginestet, S., Marchio, D., Morisot, O., Evaluation of faults impacts on energy consumption and indoor air quality on an air handling unit (2008) Energy and Buildings, 40 (1), pp. 51-57.
Mundaca, L., Neij, L., Labanca, N., Duplessis, B., Pagliano, L. Market behaviour and the to-trade-or-not-to-trade dilemma in 'tradable white certificate' schemes, Energy Efficiency, Vol 1, Issue: 4 Special Issue, Pages: 323-347
Stabat, P., Marchio, D., Heat-and-mass transfers modelled for rotary desiccant dehumidifiers (2008) Applied Energy, 85 (2-3), pp. 128-142.
Articles dans revues professionnelles
M. Philippe, M. Bernier, D. Marchio et O. Cauret, “Dimensionnement de sondes géothermiques verticales pour des applications de chauffage/rafraîchissement par pompes à chaleur”, dans CVC la revue des climaticiens, No 874, pp. V-VIII, mai-juin 2012
J. Adnot, “La voiture électrique une option risquée”, Les Echos, pp. 15, 26 Septembre 2012
A. Zottl, R.N. Nordman and P. Rivière, “SEPEMO-Common Monitoring Methodology”, European Heat Pump News, issue 3, pp. 5-6, September 2011
M. Raynaud et P. Stabat, “Influence des incertitudes liées aux entrées de la méthode 3CL en maison individuelle”, dans CVC la revue des climaticiens, No 870, pp. 18-22, juillet-octobre 2011
C. T. Tran , P. Rivière, D. Marchio, C. Arzano-Daurelle, Méthodes de mesure des performances in situ des pompes à chaleur air/air, Revue générale du froid et du conditionnement d’air, ISSN 0755-7868, juin 2011.
L. Grignon-Massé et D. Marchio, “Projet européen Keep Cool II. Conserver ou assurer le confort d’été lors de la réhabilitation de bâtiments de bureaux”, dans CVC la revue des climaticiens, No 867, pp. 13-15, janvier-février 2011
M. Dupont, F. Racapé, J. Adnot et B. Duplessis, “ChangeBest, un projet pour l’efficacité énergétique”, Energie Plus, No 459, pp. 9-11, 1er février 2011
E. Semail, A. Bouscayrol, Z. Moumni, P. Rivière et E. Fortin, “Mastère Ingénierie des Véhicules Électriques: une réponse aux attentes de l’industrie automobile”, La Revue 3EI, No 63, pp. 8-11, décembre 2010
P. Rivière, “Feeling the heat”, Public Service Review Science & Technology, issue 7, pp. 144, August 2010
E. Lagandré, D. Marchio, P. Rivière et M. Jorio, “Quels niveaux de performance pour la rénovation énergétique ? Un détour conceptuel pour éclairer les débats”, Revue de l’Énergie, No 598, pp. 392-397, novembre-décembre 2010
P. Riviere and L. Grignon-Masse, “Bombas de calor aire-aire, indices estacionales de rendimiento funcional”, Frio calor aire acondicionado, No 404, pp.50-55, juin 2008
P. Riviere, L. Grignon-Masse, “Existing seasonal performance indices for air-to-air heat pumps”, in IEA Heat Pump Centre Newsletter, Vol. 26, No 1, pp. 22-25, March 2008
D. Marchio, S. Filfli, J.R. Millet, E. Fleury, M.J. Alessandrini, P. Damolis et D. Gourmez, “Quelles solutions pour des établissements de santé climatisés à moins de 100 kWh/m² ?” dans Guide des solutions pratiques, E-Cahiers du CSTB, cahier 3622, juin 2008
Communications internationales avec comité de lecture et actes
Tejeda A., Milu A., Riviere P., Marchio D. ; "Energy consequences of non-optimal heat pump parameterization” - Purdue University, Etats-Unis, 2014-07
Cui S., Issoglio R., Koffi J., El Mankibi M., Stabat P., Marchio D. ; “Performance evaluation of natural ventilation through windows with horizontal blade shutters” – Hong-Kong, July 2014
Tran C.T., Riviere P., Waide P. ; “Energy efficiency modeling of residential heat pump water heater – Venise, Italie, September 2014
T. Salque and D. Marchio, “Development of a neural network-based building model and application to geothermal heat pumps predictive control”, in Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Advances in System Simulation, in SIMUL 2012, pp. 24-29, ISBN 978-1-61208-234-9, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-23 November 2012
M. Raynaud, D. Osso, J. Adnot, B. Bourges and B. Duplessis, “An energy efficiency program analysis to understand the gaps between ex-ante and ex-post evaluations”, in Proceedings of International Energy Program Evaluation Conference, IEPEC 2012, Rome, Italy 12-14 June 2012
H. Blervaque, P. Stabat, S. Filfli, C. Muresan and D. Marchio, “Comparative analysis of air-to-air heat pump models for building energy simulation”, in Proceedings of Fifth National Conference of IBPSA-USA, SimBuild 2012, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1-3 August 2012
M. Armstrong, C. El Hajj Moussa, J. Adnot, A. Galli and P. Riviere, “Optimal strategies for battery switch stations for electric vehicles”, in Proceedings of 12th IAEE European Energy Conference, Venice, Italy, 9-12 September 2012
C.T. Tran, P. Riviere, D. Marchio, C. Arzano-Daurelle and M. Coevoet, “On side refrigerant measurement of heat pump seasonal performances”, in Proceedings of 10th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference 2011, HPC 2011, paper 00051, Tokyo, Japan, 16-19 May 2011 [CD-ROM]
C. Patrao, P. Riviere, B. Schlomann, B. Harrison, D. Da Silva and A. De Almeida, “Standby and off mode power demand of new appliances in the market”, in ECEEE 2011 Summer Study Energy efficiency first: The foundation of a low-carbon society, Vol. 4, pp. 1759-1768, paper 7-486, ISBN 978-91-633-4455-8, Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France, 6-11 June 2011 [Clé USB]
O. Ozkizilkaya, J. Adnot, P. Riviere, L. Maillard-Teyssier, “Comparison of different approaches to estimate temperature sensitive part of electricity consumption”, in Proceedings of International Conference Energy & Meteorology, ICEM, Gold Coast, Australia, 8-11 November 2011
N. Labanca, L. Pagliano, W. Irrek, M. Bunse, P. Boonekamp, B. Duplessis, V. Sochor, “The European market for energy efficiency services in the residential sector and the effects of existing energy efficiency policies on its development”, in Proceedings of the 6th International International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting, EEDAL'11, Copenhagen, Danemark, 24-26 2011
A. Grandjean., G. Binet, J. Bieret, J. Adnot and B. Duplessis, “A functional analysis of electrical load curve modelling for some households specific electricity end-uses”, in Proceedings of 6th International Conference Energy Efficiency In Domestic Appliances And Lighting, EEDAL 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24-26 May 2011
A. De Almeida, C. Patrao, P. Riviere, D. Da Silva, B. Schlomann, M. Gigli and B. Harrison, “Standby and off mode power demand of new appliances in the market”, in Proceedings of 6th International Conference Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances And Lighting, EEDAL 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24-26 May 2011
D. Da Silva, B. Duplessis and J. Adnot, “A methodology for evaluating the energy, peak load and comfort effects of demand response control strategies for electric heating”, in Proceedings of ECEEE 2011 Summer Study, ISBN 978-91-633-4455-8, Vol. 3, pp. 1559-1567, paper 6-518, Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France, 6-11 June 2011 [Clé USB]
D. Da Silva, B. Duplessis and J. Adnot, “Graphical language for identification of control strategies allowing Demand Response”, in Proceedings of 6th International Conference Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances And Lighting, EEDAL 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24-26 May 2011
L. Grignon-Masse, D. Marchio, M. Pietrobon and L. Pagliano, “Evaluation of energy savings related to building envelope retrofit techniques and ventilation strategies for low energy cooling in offices and commercial sector”, in Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Building, IEECB’10, pp. 218-232, ISBN 978-92-79-16221-3, Frankfurt, Germany, 13-14 April 2010
T.T.V. Dang, C. Fournier, S. Morel, J. Adnot and J. Oosterbaan, “Batteries Management for Minimization of Electric Vehicles’Environmental Impacts in a Life Cycle Assessment Framework”, in Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Ecobalance, EcoBalance 2010, paper A3-1410, Tokyo, Japan, 9-12 November 2010 [CD-ROM]
D. Da Silva, M. Brancaccio, B. Duplessis and J. Adnot, “Room air conditioner load control under summer comfort constraint”, in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference Palenc 2010 jointly organised with EPIC 2010 & 1st Cool Roofs Conference, Rhodes Island, Greece, 29 September-1 October 2010 [Clé USB]
J. Caillet, P. Riviere and J. Adnot, “Procedures to identify Energy Conservation Opportunities applied to HVAC system: example of VSD of chilled water pumps”, in Proceedings of Clima 2010, 10th REHVA World Congress, paper 0289, Antalya, Turkey, 9-12 May 2010 [CD-ROM]
B. Andlauer, P. Stabat, D. Marchio and B. Flament, “Multi-objective optimisation procedures for sizing and operating building-integrated micro-cogeneration systems”, in Proceedings of 8th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, SSB 2010, paper 107, Liege, Belgium,13-15 December 2010 [Clé USB]
J. Caillet, J. Adnot and P. Riviere, “Simulation of Control Options for HVAC Management of a Typical Office Building”, in Proceedings of 5th Climamed ’09 – Mediterranean Climatization Congress, the important international Scientific forum in the HVAC&R area to be held, Lisbon, Portugal, 16-18 April 2009 [CD Rom]
M. Caciolo, D. Marchio, and P. Stabat, “Survey of the existing approaches to assess and design natural ventilation and need for further developments”, in Proceedings of Building simulation 2009, 11th International Building Performance Simulation Association conference, pp. 220-227, ISBN 978-0-947649-40-1, Glasgow, United-Kingdom, 27-30 July 2009
J. Adnot, L. Grignon-Masse and P. Riviere, “Energy consumption of European residential comfort fans”, in Proceedings of EEDAL 2009, 5th International conference on energy efficiency in domestic appliances and lighting, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 June 2009 [CD Rom]
E. Kinab, D. Marchio, P. Riviere, “Seasonal Coefficient of Performance of Heat Pumps, in Proceedings, 12th International refrigeration and air conditioning conference”, paper 2312, Purdue, USA, 14-17 July 2008 [CD Rom]
L. Grignon-Masse, J. Adnot and P. Riviere, “Towards adaptive PMV/PPD indices for European climates”, in Proceedings, 2008 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, USA, paper 693, Pacific Grove, California, 17-22 August 2008 [CD Rom]
L. Grignon-Masse, J. Adnot and P. Riviere, “A preliminary attempt to unify the different approaches of summer comfort evaluation in the European context”, in Proceedings, IEECB’08 - Fifth International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings, Francfort, Germany, 10-11 April 2008
J. Caillet, J. Adnot and P. Riviere, “Proposal for the field identification of a short list of energy conservation opportunities related with air conditioning equipments”, in Proceedings, IEECB’08 - Fifth International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings, Francfort, Germany, 10-11 April 2008
M. Caciolo, P. Stabat and D. Marchio, “Reversible air conditioning potential in office buildings in Europe”, in: Proceedings, IEECB’08 - Fifth International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings, Francfort, Germany, 10-11 April 2008,
M. Caciolo, S. Filfli, D. Marchio and P. Stabat, “Effect of technical solutions on non-heating and non-cooling temperatures and free cooling potential in office buildings”, in Proceedings, AIVC, paper 014, Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008 [clé USB]
M. Caciolo, S. Filfli, D. Marchio and P. Stabat, “Effect of technical solutions on non-heating and non-cooling temperatures and free cooling potential in office buildings”, in Proceedings, AIVC, Kyoto, Japan, paper 014, 14-16 October 2008 [clé USB]
Communications françaises avec comité de lecture et actes
C.-T. Tran, P. Riviere, D. Marchio et C. Arzano-Daurelle, “Pompe à chaleur air/air en condition in situ: une nouvelle approche pour mesurer la performance en temps réel”, dans Actes 2ème Congrès Français des Pompes à Chaleur, Paris, France, 20 septembre 2012
S. Ginestet et D. Marchio, “Analyse de méthodes de prise en charge et d’évaluation d’un système CVC. Application à la mise en œuvre d’une mesure d’économie d’énergie dans un bâtiment existant”, dans Actes de la conférence IBPSA 2008, Lyon, France, 6-7 novembre 2008 [clé USB]
M. Caciolo, D. Marchio, P. Stabat and S. Filfli, “Effet de différentes solutions techniques sur les températures de non-chauffage et de non-refroidissement et sur le potentiel de free cooling dans les bâtiments de bureaux”, dans: Actes de la Conférence IBPSA 2008, paper 37, Lyon, France, 6-7 novembre 2008 [clé USB]
Conférences invitées et autres communications
O. Greslou and P. Rivière. “Application of the Ecodesign directive to air conditioning systems”, in Proceedings of Asercom EPEE symposium and CHILLVENTA Congresing 2012, Nuremberg, Germany, 8 October 2012 (Conférence invitée)
Olivier Greslou et Philippe Rivière, “Directive CE/125/2009 sur l’éco-conception de produits liés à l’énergie : mesures proposées pour diminuer l’impact environnemental des systèmes de climatisation”, dans Actes du Colloque scientifique Froid industriel et commercial Bâtiment économe en énergie, Dinan, France, 4-5 octobre 2012 [Clé USB]
T. Berthou, P. Stabat, R. Salvazet et D. Marchio, “Comparaison de modèles linéaires inverses pour la mise en place de stratégies d’effacement”, dans Actes des Journées AUGC/IBPSA, Chambéry, France, 6-8 juin 2012
P. Rivière, “Air conditioning products regulations based on Ecodesign directive”, in Proceedings of REHVA Technical Seminar on Buildings Related EU Regulations and Projects, Brussels, Belgium, 27 October 2011 (Conférence invitée)
P. Rivière, “Enjeux de la climatisation au niveau européen”, dans Actes de la 21ème journée du CUEPE /Groupe énergie Climatisation: confort, enjeux énergétiques, alternatives, Colloque 2011, Carouge, Suisse, 7 octobre 2011 (Conférence invitée)
C.T. Tran, P. Riviere, D. Marchio et C. Arzano-Daurelle, “Méthode de mesure des performances saisonnières des pompes à chaleur air/air”, dans Actes du Colloque scientifique Froid industriel et commercial Bâtiment économe en énergie, Dinan, France, 6-7 octobre 2011 [Clé USB]
P. Rivière, “Efficacité Energétique : Directive ErP (Eco Conception) : lot 10 ‘air conditioners’”, dans Journée technique froid et climatisation, Paris, France, 27 juin 2011 (Conférence invitée)